STIHL SHOP Privacy Policy

1. Purpose

 1.1 This website (the "Website") is provided and operated by STIHL SHOP ("we", "us" or "STIHL SHOP").  We are committed to respecting your privacy, and believe it is important to be transparent with you about how we collect, process, share and disclose the personal information that you share with us. 

1.2 This Privacy Policy explains how we collect, use, store, and disclose your personal information to ensure we comply with our obligations under the Privacy Act 1993 ("Privacy Act"). By using the Website, and by purchasing any products via the Website ("Products"), you agree to be bound by this Privacy Policy.

1.3 This Privacy Policy may change at any time and we will tell you about any changes by posting an updated policy on our website. These changes will take effect from the date we post it, so please ensure you review our Privacy Policy from time to time.  

1.4 This Privacy Policy should be read in conjunction with our Website's general Terms & Conditions.


2. Why we collect your Information

2.1 When you visit our Website or use our Website to purchase Products, we may collect the following personal information about you:

(a) information required to purchase Products using the Website, including your first and last name, telephone number, email address, delivery and invoice address, and your payment information such as credit card number, expiration date, security code and name as it appears on the card, and the address the card is registered to, if you intend to use the product in a professional or domestic application.

(b) information you generate as a result of interacting with and using the Website, including the IP address and phone number of your machine or device, the operating system and the browser your machine or device uses, your browser's general location, the date and time you visit the website, and website you visit as you leave the Website.

(c) information you provide to us during your interactions with us, for example via queries or requests you submit to us in relation to any of our Products or services or by contacting us through social media, through any product reviews that you post on the Website.

2.2 We collect this personal information about you in order to:

(a) provide the Products and services you need each time you visit the Website, and to develop and improve the Products and services we currently provide; and

(b) help us understand how users are interacting with the Website so that we can improve our content and your experience, and any issues it may have.


3. How we collect your Information

3.1 Personal information will often be collected from you directly when you interact with our Website or with us on social media, purchase Products using our Website, or submit any Product enquiries to us using our Website.

3.2 We (and any authorised third parties in accordance with this Privacy Policy) may also collect your personal information:

(a) by recording phone calls you make to our staff;

(b) when you subscribe to any of our newsletters, or to receive updates from us about new Products, promotions and events; and

(c) through the use of cookies, web beacons and usage monitoring software when you use our Website

(d) through the warranty registration process

(e) when you participate in surveys and reviews or when you enter a competition 

3.3 There may also be occasions when we collect your personal information (in accordance with this Privacy Policy) from a third party, such as:

(a) a third party payment service provider;

(b) a third party analytics provider; or

(c) where you have otherwise authorised the collection.


4. How we use your information

4.1 We (and any authorised third parties in accordance with this Privacy Policy) may process your personal information when we have a lawful basis to do so.  In most cases, the lawful basis will be:

(a) to allow us to meet our legal obligations;

(b) to protect our legitimate interests;

(c) where we have your consent; or

(d) where we need your personal information to fulfil a contract we have made with you, or you to provide the Products and services you have requested from us. 

4.2 Where we process your personal information based on a legitimate interest (that is, where our interests do not outweigh your interests), those interests could include that it is in our legitimate interest to:

(a) develop and improve our systems, train our staff, and provide you with a high standard of service;

(b) run our business and perform administrative and operational tasks (such as risk management, developing and marketing products and services, undertaking planning, research and statistical analysis, systems development and testing, keeping our records up to date and being efficient about how we fulfil our legal and contractual duties);

(c) develop and improve our Products and services, so that we can continue to provide the Products and services our customers want to use;

(d) conduct market research to serve you better by understanding your preferences to ensure we send you appropriate promotions and campaigns; and

(e) assist in arrangements with other organisations (such as loyalty program partners) in relation to a Product or service we make available to you.

(f) sending you automated marketing


5. When we share your personal information

5.1 In certain situations we need to be able to share or disclose your personal information with third parties.  These parties could be based in New Zealand or overseas.  Where the party is based overseas, we will ensure that appropriate safeguards are put in place to protect your personal information.  

5.2 We will not disclose your personal information to other people or agencies except in the following circumstances:

(a) You have authorised such disclosure.

(b) Disclosure is required to our dealers or commercial partners, payments system providers and organisations that assist with our product marketing, analytics, or logistics and delivery, for the purposes of the services they provide and so that we can:

(i) complete a transaction on your behalf or provide you with a service that you have requested; and

(ii) develop and improve our Products and services, so that we can continue to provide the Products and services our customers want to use, and to make sure we continue to be competitive.

(c) disclosure is required in connection with our plans to undergo restructuring, sell any of our assets or to merge with, acquire, or be acquired by another business entity.

(d) we are required to provide the information by law.


6. How we protect your Information

6.1 Your privacy is important to us, and security is a critical part of protecting your information. 

6.2 We may hold your personal information either physically or electronically.  This can include by us in offshore facilities, or any other third person who is contacted to store it.  We may also store your information in the Cloud, in which case it may not be practical or possible for us to identify what country physically holds your personal confirmation. 

6.3 Where possible, we will use all reasonable security safeguards to protect your personal information against loss, unwanted access, modification, disclosure and other misuse. 


7. How to control your information

7.1 You have a number of rights in relation to the personal information that we hold about you, including:

(a) to request access and obtain a copy of the personal information we hold about you;

(b) to update and correct the personal information we hold about you;

(c) to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority – in New Zealand, that will be the Privacy Commissioner

5.2 If you would like to exercise any of these rights, please contact us at

5.3 Where you seek to exercise any of these rights, and we cannot, for whatever reason, allow you to exercise this right, we will inform you of the reasons why, in writing.  We will also inform you of how you can make a complaint about our decision. 


8. Cookies

8.1 "Cookies" are small pieces of information that are stored by your browser on your computer’s hard drive.  When you visit our website, we may record your "IP addresses" and information on the type of operating system (e.g. Windows or Apple OS) and browser software (e.g. Microsoft Internet Explorer, Chrome, Safari, Firefox etc.) you are using. Your IP address may also be used to help gather aggregated demographic information, such as which internet service prover you are using or what country you are connecting from.

8.2 We use cookies to improve your experience on our Website including by, among other things:

(a) to keep you signed in to our Website and to automatically remember your previously selected preferences; and

(b) to allow us to diagnose problems with our Website and plan capacity and compatibility.

8.3 You can block or erase cookies from your computer if you want to (your browser's help screen or manual should tell you how to do this), but certain parts of the website are reliant on the use of cookies to operate correctly and may not work correctly if you set your browser not to accept cookies.

8.4 Unless you have adjusted your browser setting so that it will refuse cookies, our system will set cookies when you navigate around the Website.  By using our Website you consent to our use of cookies.


9.  Links to and from other websites

9.1 Our Website may contain links to websites hosted by third parties.

9.2 We have no control over the personal information that you provide when you access websites hosted by third parties.  We suggest if you click on a link to another website, you should read their privacy policy.

9.3 You acknowledge and agree that this Privacy Policy does not apply to the personal information that you provide when you access a website hosted by a third party through a link contained on our Website, and that we will not be liable, directly or indirectly, for any loss caused in connection with such access. 


10. Consequences of failure to provide information

10.1 If you fail to provide certain information when requested, certain parts of our Website may not work correctly or we may not be able to perform the contract we have entered into with you (such as providing you with our Products or services).


11. Changes to our privacy policy

11.1 You can ask us for a copy of this Privacy Policy using the contact details below.  We may change or update our Privacy Policy from time to time. By using our Website, you will be agreeing to any such changes.


12. Contacting us

12.1 We welcome and value your feedback.  Please contact us if you have any questions about our Privacy Policy, or if you would like to exercise any of your rights in relation to your personal information. 

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